May 20, 2013

Minggu Destini Siswa UiTM Jengka Jun 2012


olla fellas :) here am i , trying to share few moments of mine during my MDS in UiTM Jengka , Pahang :) fuhh ! obvious gila . malas nak bungabunga sgt , ahaks . nak dengar tak nak dengar tak ? maka , teruskan bacaan anda :)

well , as the introduction , let me tell you olss okay . MDS iz Minggu Destini Siswa that act as a kind of orientation week. well , it is not a kind of , it is actually is . hemohemo ~
so , as a student of UiTM , you guys are required to take part and it is absolutely compulsory . btw , for your information , those whom are the Foundation students of UiTM Kuantan (Both Pdg Lalang & Bukit Sekilau), korang still kena pergi jengka even campus korang dkt Kuantan . so , nak tak nak , pergi je okay ;)
Baiklah , let me start my MDS journey day by day :) *please pay attention* xD

as I'm a Pahangneseee , so , takdelah rasa burden sangat utk ke Jengka . Mulamula nak bawak teddy sekali , mama cakap , JANGAN . nt senior buli awak . sob sob . sedih . i haven't been away from my teddy since i was 13 . bayangkanlahhhh . so , i just brought a luggage , a pail & a pillow . The journey from Kuantan to UiTM Jengka took about almost (+-)2Hours , haha , tak lama pun hoiii . Since Abah iz a great traveler , he easily drove my family and I there :) Memula memang tersangatsangat ekshitet nak masuk UiTM, but then, I know what I know. haaa . i'd come with the

baddest appearance evah ! haha . as i'm so not interested into this , so i was like , asalkan pergi . owh , well , forget to mention , i'm a Teslian :) 

2nd June 2012, Saturday THE MESRA MEMESRA DAY 
masa mula mula sampai dekat exit Jengka , undoubtedly that there was an enormous traffic jammed . Hello , can you imagined how could 1500++ family cars pass through the toll as there were only two entry lanes ?
and masa tu korang akan nampak lah gantungan2 baju putih kain gelap dlm kereta masing2 :) 
eh i puns ada taw xD
well , baju tu disuruh bawak utk digunakan masa perasmian MDS ni haa . itu lah tujuannya okay ;D so , masa masuk pagar UiTM Jengka , ada dua lanes jugak , ahah , macam dekat toll tadi , cuma bezanya , one lane will led you to the girls' registry & the other one to the boys' . as i'm a perempuan , i'm going to the right one :D one thing , MANUSIA AKAN TERSANGAT RAMAI & PLEASE SET IN YOUR MIND TO FACE THIS . 

eh poyonya budak gemuk ni xD
So , done with registration , terus pergi bilik . well , like seriously i didn't noticed at all that at the room's key , there was a number in a parentheses which represent our temporary  belongings in our room . contohnya , number bilik 302 (3) and when you enter the room you'll see the bed with number 3 label & so did the cupboard . but , the best part iz , i went straightly to any bed that i wanted as i'm the first one whom entering the room , so i guess i had the priority xD *malunya* at that very moment , there were four cupboards ; two in big size & two in small size . which referred as locker too ;) dan aku dgn selamburrr pergi locker besau sbb nak letak my hiyujjj luggage terus dalam tu xD ohsem una ni , ahakss .

 dah siap kemas semua , terus pergi keluar makan dgn family at maran which located 30 mins - 50 mins away from campus Jengka . dah siap beli penyapu semua , baliklah semula . balik2 , my roommates pun semua dah sampaii & all of em with their family stared me like crazy . then i'd just realized , i need to use the facilities according to the number . HAHA , malunya . but then , buat taktahu jelah xD
soo , my roommates were IKA , MIRA & QUSHWA :)
dua teslian & dua lawrian , perfect match , hihi

setelah mama abah along , wa & adik semua dah balik , dah nanges2 macam orang gila . my life started xD well , i haven't been away from my family actually . besides, i'll be in a new environment with strangerss ! and that was the biggest reason why i was so lifeless bout this . after Asar , all students were required to assembled together with the diploma & pre-diploma students . masa tu , yg freehair pun kena pakai tudung & that tudung should be black tudung along with rocket style , haha . so i'm suggesting it is much better if you guys pakai siap2 okay . done with that , we'll going to have a sight seeing to DSG (Dewan Serba Guna / Dewan Sejuk Gila). taklah sejuk sgt xD okay . so petang tu , ada lerr taklimat KENALI UITM by the counselor . let me tell you , you're not going to have sit on a chair but on a very fluffy wooden floor :) so , nikmatilah , HAHA . 

bila nak masuk waktu maghrib , all of us were heading back to penginapan siswi to have "rushed hour dinner" and were given 5mins to eat . best kan ? haha . right after that , we rushed again to masjid to perform solat Maghrib , masjid ke surau eh ke kt DSG . tak dekat ya anak anak , jauh dia baq hang . bayangkanlah dgn peluh , dgn penat berlari semua , kena solat dalam keadaan yg bapak punya kotor . then , taklimat lagi dan lagi dan lagi sampai pukul 1 pagi . awhh , seronoknya . 

mandi & tidur dalam kesejukan as i forgot to bring my comforter . Jengka sejuk baq hang bila malam . what a relief .
jumpa makcik ni , lepastu tak pernah nampak dah . bayangkan .

3rd June 2012 Sunday ANOTHER NAISS DAY
okay , second day .
pendaftaran utama . we were all been grouped by our course in the veli morning & wait from 7AM to 2.30PM to be registered . seronok kan ? 

bila dah siap register semua , kita akan dapat temporary student card yg sungguh comel . and the best part is , hanya bahagian kepala anda sahaja dlm gambar itu yg akan digam di atas temporary card niii :) btw , masa ni lah segala docs yg uitm mintak korang bawak tu akan disettlekan :)

ohoi koya ni koya 

muka eksaitet dah ada matric card . temporal je pun ha
dah setel smua dah solat dah makan ada aktiviti Kembara Kampus (Kenali UiTM) , as campus budak foundation bukan kat Jengka , kitaorang terus pergi satu auditorium & Kembara Kampus kuantan hanya melalui gambar , haha . and yeah , semua gambar dekat kuantan & i was so not feeling anything . haha . done with that . 
ee , anak siapa ni poyo ni

utk pengetahuan hampa , belakang tu uwais

kakak ni oc kuantan , seronok xD
at night , ada pulak ceramah motovasi and yeah , again . till 1 o'clock .
hohoiii . sebenarnya ramai dah yang tumbang dalam dewan tu , tak larat whoaa . macam pelarian je rasa haaa .

mandi & tidur :)

dari pagi sampai asar duduk dgr ceramah jelah haa , HEA HEP & taklimat program . the boringness was so undescribeable , haha . 
akibat seharian berMDS xD

lepas asar sampai lah ke pukul 1 pagi , berlatih lah kitaorang ni ramai2 utk perasmian pada esoknyaaa . nyanyilah lagu UiTM Usaha Taqwa Mulia . Bagi yang nak masuk UiTM tuuu , sila sila lah mengiyutiub lagu uitm ;D supaya tidak lari tempo di kendian hari . ahahahaks

5th June 2012 Tuesday THE CEREMONY ~~
budak sebelah tak bwk baju putih , padan muka
oh where oh where has my little cat gone . eh , dah hari keempat i berkampung dkt jengka uolsss . macam biasa lah , bgn pagi , bekpes dan harini , ol ze people iz wearing white on the top & black at the bottom .
ini nama dia beratur sebelumm masuk dewan
 as i forgot to mention earlier , when i just had registered at the booth , i got a file that contain a lot of important things in it including few forms & a scarf . well , everyone got them too . but for the guy , they got ties . so , as today is THE DAY . yknow . haha . we were all required to wear that scarf on our shoulder and not as the tudung becoshh idk lah xD then , during the ceremony , the whole UiTM Campuses in MALAYSIA were having live streaming mannn .

 syokkk tak ? haha . sangat best bila tengok budak shah alam sedang indah duduk di atas kerusi sedangkan kakiku indah dengan warna kebirubiruan akibat pergerakan darah yg tersekat2 seperti keadaan dlm DSG masa tu xD Dato Sahol boleh tye lagi taw 'amacam UiTM Jengka , duduk atas kerusi ke lantai'. satu dewan berdekah masa tu . HAHA .
tengok pun dah tahu busuk
 dan tengahtengah dalam crowd tu jugak , aku taktahulah manusia mana yg ada high confident tahap dewa dgn menghulurkan kakinya yang sungguhlah masham mashammmm aznil ni kt sebelah aku . HAHA . busuk baq hangggg !

6th June 2012 Wednesday HOPING TO GO HOME
on the fifth day here , i thought that i'd been here for a decade man ! lama gila rasa masa berjalan . haihhhh . well , the day went well . well lah sgt kannn xD so , just like always , been there & keep listening to the talks and the talks and again talks . not just from the panel , but from the students too , ngahahha . best part dengar ceramah dr siapa tah tak ingat sgt , tp yg pasti the talk was delivered by a woman . well , she told about a story of a girl who was been tutt tutt in a bus while she was on her way back home . pergh . dr mengantuk , terus terbangun dengar cite tu pasal seram whoaa . nak dipendekkan , budak ni sakit and makan ubat yga da effect mengantuk & masa dlm bas nak balik kl ke mana tah dari jengka , dia diraba di seluruh tubuhnya dan the guy left her a note with his phone number . bodoh tak ? then , that guy buat something shoo bad and finally get caught and been expelled too . kalau korang bertuah , maybe dia akan cerita lagi . hehhe .
so , at night , out of sudden , bila semua event dah nak habis , si abang akak OC ni pergi tahan budak foundation supaya stay . pergh , siapa tak jealous tgk orang lain balik awal malam tu . haihhh . tsk tsk . then diaorang kemain maki hamun kitaorang cakap diaorang ada dga cite budak foundation ni kutuk budak pra-dip laa . masa tu ramai la yg hangin , tapi dalam hati jela maki2 hamun , haha . ada ke patut ckp mcmtu , padahal budak pra-dip tu haa yg kecoh2 kutuk kitaorang taww . igt lagi dialog budak pra-dip dekat aku ada satu time tuu 'hek eleh budak ni , mentang2 budak asasi dia ingat dia bagus sgt , pergi aa balik kampus engkau tu' . nampak tak siapa yg jahat sebennarnya ? HAHA . well , sambung balik dgn event mlm tu , ada lah yg kena berlakon menyumpit , kena belasah la , nangis laa , well , itu semua drama . nyampah . HAHA . diaorang saja nak buat gimik laa kengkonon as kitaorang dah nak balik kuantan on the next day . so , sedih jugak sebenarnya . HAHA

7th June 2012 Thursday ZE LAZT DAY :(
so , hari last . barang semua packed well :D pagi tu ada program halaqah rasanya , ehe . ke apa tah nama dia . well , this program was been held just to check whether kita ada basic knowledge bout amalan2 islam or not . contohnya , apakah perkara yang menyebabkan kita takboleh solat . or rukun2 solat and stuffs .
menunggu turn kononnya ni

 lepastu , balik hostel , packing2 & yeay ! balik kuantannn . maka tamatlah MDS ku di  UiTM Jengka :3
sampai kuantan abah dah tunggu , apa lagi , nanges2 laaaa :(( rindu sangat lama tak jumpaaa ~~ lantak pi lah orang lain nak cakap apa , ada i kesah ? mheheh

lori barang budak sekilau

lori barang budak palang , aaaa , santek xD barang aku belakang sekali

ni masa pergi lepak lepas habis replacement test :D